English Learning , Part : 01 ( Vocabulary)

Vocabulary is one of the most important thing to develop your English skill. 

1) Indenture ( *Noun) - A legal agreement , contract or document. Synonym: Bond, Promise, Undertaking, Commitment, settlement, arrangement, Understanding. 
Example in Sentence: Proposing amendment to the Initial contract, the owner hope to indenture more favorable towards his company.

2)  Servitude (* Noun) - The state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful. Synonym: Slavery, Enslavement, bondage, subjugation, domination. Antonym: Freedom, Liberty
Example in Sentence: After paying his debts the man finally get rid of his Servitude situation.

3) Illicit (* Adjective) - Forbidden by Law , rules or Custom . Synonym: Illegal, Unlawful, Illegitimate . Antonym: Licit, Legal
Example in Sentence: illicit massage parlour is a thread.

*Noun: Name of anything like person, animal, Place, thing, abstract, idea, action, state or quality. 
Examples: Karim, Rahim, Khulna, Honesty, Happiness, Indenture etc. 

Examples in Sentence: Karim is a good boy. 
More details about noun the linked website would be useful. 
1) Parts of Speech - English learning in Bengali 
2) English Grammar - English Grammar in Bangla 
3) English Grammar- English Grammar in English  

 * Adjective : Adjective describes or clarifies noun. 
Examples: Good, Bad, beautiful etc.
Examples in Sentence: They have a beautiful house.  
 More details about noun the linked website would be useful. 
1) English Grammar- English Grammar in English

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